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- Cars
- Focus CC
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Vehicle summary
Performance & economy
Fuel consumption (urban) | 26.6 mpg |
Fuel consumption (extra urban) | 49.6 mpg |
Fuel consumption (combined) | 37.7 mpg |
0 - 60 mph | 10.3 seconds |
Top speed | 130 mph |
Cylinders | 4 |
Valves | 16 |
Engine power | 143 bhp |
Engine torque | 136.46 lbs/ft |
Height | 1448 mm |
Height inclusive of roof rails | No details available |
Length | 4509 mm |
Wheelbase | 2640 mm |
Width | 1991 mm |
Width including mirrors | No details available |
Fuel tank capacity | 55 litres |
Minimum kerb weight | 1547 kg |
Interior features | Exterior features |
Cruise Control | No details available |
Heated Windscreen - Quickclear |
Electronic Stability Program (ESP) |
Please note
This includes MPG figures which are calculated under European Standards, in test conditions, and will vary under normal driving conditions. The information displayed above describes the typical specification of the most recent model of this vehicle. It is not the exact specification for the actual vehicle being offered for sale which may vary. Specifications for older models may also vary. Please contact us prior to purchase to confirm the exact specification of this vehicle.
Finance available from H Edmondson Car Sales
Calculate how affordable this Ford Focus CC could be per month
What is ?Duration of agreement | |
First payment | |
monthly payments | |
inal payment |
On the road price | |
Customer deposit | |
Total amount of credit | |
Acceptance fee | |
Option to purchase fee | |
Total amount payable |
APR | |
Rate of interest (fixed) | |
What is ?Duration of agreement | |
First payment | |
monthly payments | |
inal payment |
On the road price | |
Customer deposit | |
Total amount of credit | |
Acceptance fee | |
Option to purchase fee | |
Total amount payable |
APR | |
Rate of interest (fixed) | |
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